SustAInLivWork is structured around six work packages and will be implemented in three phases. During the launching and growth phases, the proposed WP structure will establish the basis to deliver a self-sustainable CoE from year 7.
Launching phase
- Creation of the CoE
- Set up of Governing Boards
- CoE facilities set up
- Recruitment of CoE team
- Operational process
Growth phase
- Infrastructure & equipment management
- Research projects
- Human resources management
- Grant writing and project management
- Business development & marketing
- Tech-transfer
- Finance and administration
Self-sustainability phase
Generated revenue will maintain operational costs

SustAInLivWork CoE in operation
SustAInLivWork CoE HUBs established
SustAInLivWork CoE Business Incubator established
SustAInLivWork Cluster Operative
Computing and data infrastructure created
SustAInLivWork training and educational progress ongoing
Guidelines on responsible deployment of AI prepared
SustAInLivWork contribution to Lithuanian S3 and AI strategy
Explore project work packages
Deployment of the process to support the use of AI systems by the private and public sector